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“The brick as a topic. If one thinks of brick as a notion, many things come into his mind.About its history, about its role in the history of architecture, that it occurs as a building material generally where there is no building stone. Or about its various form, measure, and that in most cases brick wears the stigma of the era in which it was created.It can be said that something is called brick on the basis of its shape, of the brick-shape.Brick-stamps were used from the earliest times which contained the name of the builder monarch and other data. One of the heydays of the brick-stamps’ usage was the Roman era.Each legio used a separated brick-stamp. The usage of brick-stamps was common even in the medieval era and then in the 18-19th century. Its shape can be very various.

The aim of our exhibition is to appellate on the mentioned era-signing role. Despite the fact that brick-stamp is not a part of the recent trend, it should be turned out from each exhibited work – in case it is good – when was it made. So that the time of its creation can be defined in some hundred or thousand of years as from a wrecked brick.”

                                                                                                                                                                                    Körösényi Tamás

2006 I terracotta I 25x12x6 cm

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